
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Baby Rag Quilt

You are probably wondering why I'm showing you piles of material cut into squares. Well this is the start of the baby quilt that I made for my husband's co-worker who was having her first baby, of course, you can tell by the colors and pattern that it is for a little boy. I use the Sizzix scalloped square die (4.50 inches square) to cut these with it makes for fast work. You can cut eight layers of fabric at one time, which is four squares total. Each pile has 20 complete squares to it. I used 6 different colors/patterns. You could also use a ruler and a rotary cutter too.
After I hand cut the cotton batting for each square (3.25 inch square), I than sewed each one with and "X" to hold the batting in place. After that I laid the squares out and arranged them in the order I wanted. Than I pinned each row together to get them ready for the machine again. The seam allowance that I used was to make sure that I sewed below the scallops, I'd say between quarter of an inch to half inch, I didn't want a huge seam.

Here the squares are all sewed together. You also have to sew around the whole outside of the quilt too. I than had to snip each row (I snipped at each scallop or about every quarter of an inch) so that when it is washed it will start to "rag". I must admit that this was the my least favorite thing to do and it seem to take forever. Flip corner shows what the back looks like.

Here is the quilt after it has been washed, it is starting to "rag" some but will need more washings. Click on the picture to see it better. Well after seeing it come out of the washer and dryer, I probably would make another, just not real soon, lol! Oh, the flipped over part shows you what the back of the quilt looks like, I like it just as well, so she will have two different ways to use it. I started with one yard of fabric for each color/pattern, I do have some left of each, so I'm guessing that I used half yard of each.
I found this video on YouTube for you to watch, explains the "how to's" very well:
Hope you all are having a fun, crafty week-end.......Mary

1 comment:

  1. Mary, that's adorable! I love the bright colors you've used! She's gonna love it! You're very thoughtful to take so much time to make something so nice for her!

