
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Very Sad At Our House Tonight

Well, we had the very difficult task tonight of saying good-by to our black lab, Samantha. She was doing really well this morning and even into the afternoon, she enjoyed both her morning feed and afternoon feed, but around 7:oo this evening as I was in our computer room I could hear that her breathing was very loud and labor. My husband and I were concerned because it just came on so quick and we both knew that we would not be able to sleep knowing she was having trouble. We called our vet and he told us to come to the office. Well she was so weak that she could not even stand up on her own, so we had to carry her out to the car. On the way out to his office, we thought that a couple of times she was gone, but she was just resting. He could see that she was distended in her abdominal area, her temperature was way low and her gums were very light pink, all not good signs at all. He thought that a cancerous tumor had ruptured and she was full of blood or she was full of fluid, so he took her in the back room and when he came back with her, the syringe was full of blood, not a good sign. We knew going out there that it would probably not be good, but this was not what we had expected. The only right decision was to have her put down. We didn't want her to be in pain and the vet told us that she probably would not make it thru the night either. Oh, what a painful decision it was. We both stayed with her until she passed away. I don't think that we will ever have another dog like her, she was so smart, loving and just an all around great dog. She would have been 14 on April 15, she almost made it.

She was a wonderful part of our family and we will surely miss her. Mary


  1. Mary, I am so sorry to hear about your sweet girl dog. It's so hard to realize that they are only ours for a little while. I know she had a wonderful life and was so loved.

    I'll be thinking of you and your family.


  2. I'm sitting here at work with tears in my eyes. I know how you feel. It's like having a hole in your heart. I can only say that as time passes the sorry eases. Best of luck. Know that she is running with the wind and howling at the moon.

    : )


  3. Gosh, Mary. I could have sworn I left a comment about this way back when. Maybe I did it via email. So sad. Poor puppy dawg. :(

    I see you have ANOTHER baby added to your list! You sure love your doggies! I do, too, but mine is too ill-behaved to get another one, lol! Hope he's a good boy! :)
