
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Good-bye to Our Sweet Molly

Good-bye, sweet Molly we will all miss you so much. You were our gentle giant and you gave us unconditional love for the last 12 1/2 years. We were so lucky to get you from the family that could no longer keep you and you brought so much joy and happiness into our lives. Now you and Samantha can run and play, once again, with each other. Until we see you again, love you much.

Love from your human "pack".


  1. I got a lump in my throat as I saw Molly's picture and your note. May Molly be happy playing with my late dog Chang Li too. RIP, Molly.

  2. Oh, Mary. I am so sorry! You must be devastated! She was with you a long time. It's so sad to losea family member, even the furry kind. Just think...Samantha is waiting for her in Heaven! They can jump and play as they did when they were pups! I'll have you in my prayers.

    Your friend, Chanda

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know what it's like to have a dog live for that long. Our Peanut lived 18 yrs and then we had to put her down. It was so hard. Our pets are family. What a blessing they have been in our lives.

    Air hugs your way,

  4. So sorry about Molly. Sounds like she had a great life with her "human pack"....hope you remember her always.

  5. I'm so heartbroken for you. I actually got "watery eyes" reading this. Molly was so beautiful. I just know she could have not had a better family to love. I'm so very sorry Mary. Please accept my very heartfelt condolences. Hugs, Curt
