
Friday, September 13, 2019

Sharing is Caring

As you can see I've been still making cards, just not as frequently as I did in the past as I'm trying to build up my Young Living business!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

More Cards to Share

Here is the third batch to view.

Lots of birthday cards :)  Mary

Monday, September 9, 2019

More Cards to Share

Here are a few more cards that I've made recently.

More to come!  Mary

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Hello Friends!

Oh My has been along time since I've posted on my blog!  I still create but this summer has been very busy as we are replacing our screen-in deck and between the weather and the city taking their time to come and do what they have to do, it has been a long process, but the end is insight now and hopefully we will get to enjoy the deck before it gets too cold!

I have been making some cards, so instead of listing all of the details like normal, I'm just going to share some pictures with you!

I'll share a few more next week, enjoy!  Mary